It is a frequently repeated topic in witchy forums to label ourself or not? Many people says sounding names on themselves which they try to show the most precisely what path they follow. These labels are good in many cases because people who also are interested in those topics, but on the other hand labels can confine us. There are some people who like to label themselves as level 100 “witchmagemasterofmagickk” which is not a problem if this is the level marker in their group.
But thinking that this labelling makes us better than other people is a bad way. The world of witchcraft is not about the authority and the dominating on other people. Those who want to take revenge on the wrong they had to suffer and hereby gain come into power what is unreachable for them in the real life, it is not the path they are looking for.
(Image source: Google)
Witchcraft is not about dominating on other people. We do not dominating on the natural beings, we do not control demons with a snap and we do not curse people into the dead (yes, but this is a topic of another blog, not this one). We do not want to enslave any social class or countries. We are not an organism. Witchcraft is a spiritual path, just like other spiritual and religious paths which is to fulfill your own self. We work not only for ourselves.
If a long-labelled mage or witch tries to sell us a teaching or offers us casting a spell (for money or for other “services”), just be skeptic! Most of the witchy groups do not have any labelling or measuring system, and these people mostly mix the fantasy worlds with the real witchcraft.
Of course you can cast a spell to do good to someone else, moreover, you need to do this. But expecting a higher reward for casting a spell is not suggested. (Of course if a spellcaster asks you to pay for the tools he/she had to use to cast your spell, I mean candles, incense etc, it is ok, but if the price is too high, you should be skeptic.)
And what if I need to label myself? Most of all, a witch who learns herbalism and shamanism… :)