Many witches do not set store to colors, but I think this is one of the basic things you need to learn if you want our spell successful. The psychology of colors has been described in many books, there has been a lot of research on this topic, and it is a scientifically proven fact that colors may affect your mood. In the same way, colors may affect your magic, as they help with concentration, focus on your wish, and thus the success of our magic.
It doesn’t matter, for example, which one of those beautiful colored agates you take for your meditation, but your magic will surely fail if you want to awaken love in your chosen one with a blue colored candle. I discuss colors in my next posts, and this post will help you learn how to use different colors in your magical practice.
In general, light colors have a milder effect than the darker ones, for example a pale green candle can help cure mild illnesses, but a dark green candle can even poison someone. The very light red candle is essentially a darker pink, so we can enjoy the blessed or cursed effect of both colors.
We use colors in:
candle magic,
for meditation,
for visualization,
for mineral magic,
for decoration related to the purpose of the spell,
for symbol magic,
chakra magic,
for spiritual and mental healing.
Of course, descriptions of colors help a lot in many ways, but the main point is: what does that color mean to you? Answering this question can help you to find the correct colors for your spell.