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Post: Welcome


I write about this feast not only because of its actuality, but also because maybe it’s one of my favorites. And first of all, I wish you a beautiful Samhain day!

Where I live there is no Halloween, although lately it’s just being “imported”. We have mourning, remembrance of the dead, grief, and it is forbidden to smile too.

Nevertheless, Samhain, also called the Witches’ New Year, is far from sad. The feast of the dead, the beginning of winter; the light of the Sun is getting weaker, it is getting darker day by day. The last harvest is also completed by this time. For the winter, some of the animals were killed around this time who did not want to be kept until the following year. According to pagan and neo-pagan myths, the veil separating the living and the dead is the thinnest now, and therefore now is the easiest to communicate with the dead.

(Image source: Google)

In Samhain’s time, most witches work with the dead, predict and tell fortunes, seek contact with the otherworld, and meditate. It is best to use candle magic, but it is a good thing to work with a mirror and a black mirror too. We can still do any inner work on ourselves, immerse ourselves in inspiration, creativity, practice astral projection, but we can prepare for changes, start something new or even leave a bad habit. Curses and hexes can be successful easier, and those who walk on darker roads also prefer to use death magic and blood magic. (No, this blog does not support sacrificing black cats, or any animal sacrifice at all!)

On Samhain’s night, use black, orange, red, yellow, white, silver, or gold candles. Wear gold, iron, steel or brass jewelry. If you like crystals, use black obsidian, onyx, smoky quartz, pyrite, hematite, clear quartz, coal, diamond, tigereye, carnelian, tourmaline, or opals.

The feast menu should be made from apples, pork or beef, hazelnuts and other seeds, pumpkins, turnips, cranberries, corn, potatoes or bread, and may be accompanied by mulled wine, cider and herbal tea. Herbalists should use bay leaves, calendula, ginger, cinnamon, garlic, hemlock, black wormwood, nettle, passion flower, rosemary, rue, sage, pine, tarragon, walnuts, cloves, pomegranate. The best incense is sandalwood, wormwood, myrrh, cedar, sage, cinnamon, ginger, eucalyptus, lavender, orange, mint and pine.

If for some reason we can’t celebrate, carve a pumpkin lantern, light a candle, and remember our loved ones who have passed away. Put the first portion of food from the evening menu on a plate as an offering for the dead and leave it there until morning. Strengthen the protection of the house, smudge around the rooms. If you’re celebrating with kids, make funny cakes and biscuits, carve pumpkins with them, and go for an evening walk with them to a nearby park! If we are alone, a night walk can also be perfect.

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