This feast has many names depending on different traditions: Lughnasad, Lúnasa, Lúnastal, Spike-blesser, Freyfaxi, Lunaistyn, Feast of the First Harvest, Feast of the First Bread, Teltain, Green Corn Feast, Cardenas, Elembiuos etc. The is the first of the three harvest feasts in the year, this means we celebrate the first harvest now. The name Lammas comes from the English words “loaf” and “mass”, the other common name Lughnasad means “Lugh’s (the Sun god’s) feast”. The feast is celebrated on 31st of July or on the 1st of August (in the Southern hemisphere 31st of January or 1st of February).
(Image source: Pinterest)
The feast is held to celebrate the first harvest, so you should perform a thanksgiving ritual: not only for the food you got, but everything you have now. Say thanks for your home, your job, your family etc. Say thanks for the bad things happened to you because you can learn from them too. Make a bread for the ritual as an offering. Make jam from the fruits harvested now, bake some cookies with berries, or make roasted game or roasted lamb. If you have children with you, make some corndog, play with corn dolls or build a sandcastle.
You can use lavender, marjoram, rose petals, sandalwood, frankincense, eucalyptus, vanilla, rosemary, agnus castus, daylily, golden-rod, typha, locust, sunflower, peppermint, tarragon, aloe or chamomile as incense during your ritual. If you use candles, prefer the colors brown, yellow, orange, green, gold, red or bronze. You can decorate your altar with crystals too: citrine, amber, malachite, aventurine, tiger eye, golden topaz, quartz, marble, granite, yellow-toned agates and gold.
Cast your spells for your career, wealth, thanksgiving, to reach your goals, abundance, marriage, and you can meditate with the Sun too.