The pronounced word is one of the main part of the magical practice worldwide. Incantations are popular way in witchy circles. They are like prayers, magical mantras, blessings or curses but cannot separate from them sharply. The goal of an incantation is to influence the person’s life who casts it or the future, mostly the yield of the farms or healing sickness. It’s root is the pronounced word and the belief in its efficiency. Mostly any of the prayers written in the sacred texts can be transformed into an incantation. Mythological tales are made to incantations during the conquest of Christianity. Circumstances, like saying, acting, timing and toning during pronouncing the incantation can influence the effect of the incantation, so mostly it is defined how to say them.
Incantations are categorized in the book titled Megigézlek Holdanyó! (1.) by the authors:
special types.
The saying of the incantation (magic of said words) or asking a higher force are the way to fulfill its goal. In this latter case holds a religious path in it, the casting person does not impressing its life only itself, he/she asks a god or spirit. Christian people often call saint persons, wiccan people often “direct” various deities.
Incantations got round between people but some of them were written in secret texts and could be known by specific people like priests. Some of them could get only at random or its effect got lost.
Of course we can write our incantations, but if you prefer traditional texts which are used age-long, you can research them and use them too.
My favorite one is from the collection of Eva Pocs (2.), this can be cast during the sowing of the first handful of wheat:
“One for the country, one for the birds and the third for me.”
(1.) “Hexing you, Moon Mother” // can be read in Hungarian only // Csanádi-Dóczy-Lörincz: Megigézlek Holdanyó!
(2.) “Incantations” // can be read in Hungarian only // Pócs Éva: Ráolvasások