Sometimes you have to leave the path because you have to. Sometimes you have something else to do for a while and you can’t keep up with your group or coven. Or you have to stay away from your ritual life because of a long illness. Or you think it will be better without magic, but it’s still missing…
And sometimes you really want to find your path again after this, but you cannot.
Something is stopping you. Something is missing. Something is not like it used to be before.
The first encounter of the unknown magical world was beautiful. The second time you’re on a path you already know, and you won’t find the miracle you’ve found before. It’s also possible that you’re not on a good path, or by the way, because you think the first few steps are “boring”.
(Image source: Google)
You flip through your old books, all of which you already know very well, but you can’t find your way in them. You light the candle, but it is not the same, you don't feel the shiver. But then what should you do?
Here are some tips to help you find your path again:
- Meditate every day or do some magic. It is enough to perform only a thanksgiving ritual.
- Walk in the woods. If possible, alone, without music, and listen to your inner voice. Sit at the base of a tree and listen to the wind.
- Climb a mountain or a tree, set goals for which you need to be alone.
- Read, but not your usual books! Look for articles on other topics, books, read forums, do it every single day.
- Set up an altar and sit there in front of it for a few minutes at least once a day (but best in the morning and evening) to prepare for your day and thank for the many blessings you have received that day.
However, if you have done everything with a pure heart and still can't find your way back to the path, it may not be your way…