Every plant has its own active substance - it has been proven by science, no need to debate that. We are collecting herbs because of these active substances, and we are using them for healing, curing illness, others for quickening, and to attain other effects.
However, when we take care of the plant itself, we should follow these advices below.

(Image source: Google)
A herbalist thinks about a plant as an autonomous living being. The herbalist collects herbs only when he/she needs it; he/she does not pick it off because “keeping some of this at home”. It follows that he/she picks just as much as he/she really needs for that magic work he/she wants to perform. Herbalists take care about the plant and they do not damage unnecessarily the plant, do not destroy it and do not loot it.
Herbalists always ask the plant if they could use it for their magic work. They mostly do it in trance. If the plant is a bigger one, for example a tree, they can sit under it and meditate. They bring some propitiation to them - and as they do, they take notice of giving propitiations the plant can use, for example water, milk, euthropic compost or carved wooden sticks - nowise plastic stuff and junk. They do it for appealing the plant’s soul to help in their work.
Herbalists collect plants with respect. Most of them are using a knife or scissors reserved specially for this purpose. They handle the herbs with care until the use. Those vegetal parts which are not used gets returned to the nature, sometimes to the parent plant itself to help returning to the natural cycle.